Over the past month throughout the Malaysian MCO, you may have felt like you’ve been forced into this little corner, to perform your role as an employee or business owner, a parent, a spouse, and a housekeeper. The pressures of staying in a small space is starting to get to you, your vocal chords have been strained, not because you are singing in the shower, but because you’re screaming at your kids so much. Joy seems to be the an emotion of the past.

If you have felt this way, you’re not alone. I have felt frustrated, angry, happy and scared all in the same day. But I know for a fact that no one wants to remain this way. Nobody wants the atmosphere in their home to be filled with negativity.

So I created this video to share with you some of the things that I do to help change the atmosphere in my home. What are some other ways you have coped with the stress of the MCO at home?

– Grace.